Monday, August 29, 2016

Do you know your purpose in life?

Do you know your purpose in life?

“The two most important days in a person’s life are the day you are born and the day you discover why.” –Mark Twain
It was a beautiful evening as I was sitting in a restaurant with my friend for couple of drinks and engaged in a conversation that totally changed my life forever.
My friend had just quit his well paying job in a prestigious career to venture into entrepreneurial business. I asked him what in the world had made him take such risky move.
At that point, my rather calm and soft-spoken buddy sat up in his seat and began speaking with more passion and excitement than I had ever seen in him. He explained that what he was doing was a step towards his life purpose. “in all the training I have ever received and all the experience I have gone through, God has been weaving them together to prepare me for this moment.” That was the best explanation he could give me as to why he had decided to quit his job and start his own business.
His words had hit me like a slap in the face and ignited a hunger I didn’t know existed. That day I had stumbled on an important truth. That in every human being there is a hunger for significance and a longing to live for something greater than themselves.
What is your purpose? Why do you exist? Here’s the thing: we were not created merely to be born, go to school, make money, get married, have children and then die. While we may pursue these things, we instinctively know that life is more than just the sum of them.
Too many people today have entered their dream career or married their dream spouse only to find themselves disillusioned and wondering what next.
Many people spent their lives climbing the ladder of success only to find it was leaning on the wrong wall. The film Braveheart had Mel Gibson’s character saying the unforgettable words, “all men die, but not all men truly live.” To truly live you must live for something far bigger than yourself. Your life needs to have an impact on those closest to you.
Your best hours need to be spent not in a job but in a vacation that leaves the world a better place. And your life needs to leave a contribution to others who are not as blessed.
To truly live, you need to leverage your unique God-given gift to make a difference to the world in an way that only you can.
You are not a mistake. You being on earth is not a coincidence. Nothing about your life, good or bad, is a waste. You were created for a unique purpose and you owe it to yourself to find it and pursue it to the fullest.

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